Tuesday, July 14, 2009

As so many people are concerned about our current political situation, I have felt impressed to ask if anyone would care to join me in a special day of fasting and prayer.

Nearly all our “representatives” have forgotten that we, the people, exist while they continue to pass seemingly limitless legislation all directed at curtailing our freedom. They have instituted an endless string of services, administrations, authorities, etc., which have financially overburdened and distracted our government from its true functions and purposes. They have taxed and taxed, spent and spent - left us with not only unimaginable debt, but are now using that debt to make of us indentured servants to the rest of the world. They block the mining and/or extraction of our natural resources. Individual branches of government exceed their authority and take powers unto themselves that they do not constitutionally have. The constitution has been entirely bypassed and cast aside with the introduction of “czars”, allowing the Executive Branch of government to trample upon the rights of the people. The groundwork has been carefully laid to slip our Constitutional government out from underneath our feet and compel us to serve a “One World” master.

Before things get any worse, I am asking anyone who may be interested to join me in a special day of fasting and prayer. I do this to the end of inviting the inspiration of the Holy Spirit and enlisting the assistance of the Almighty in helping us preserve our freedoms.

Our founders had a dream. They saw a great and unique purpose in the forming of this, the United States of America. They expressed that dream and purpose in the preamble to our Constitution. There were six specific goals our founders wished to see America and her people achieve.

1) To FORM A MORE PERFECT UNION – Other forms of government frequently expose citizens to suffering at the hands of tyrants and despots. Our founders wished to see the people included in their own governance through representation and accountability. Three branches of government were included in our constitution having specific powers unto themselves, providing for checks and balances within the government. The greatest check and balance would be the people themselves.

2) To ESTABLISH JUSTICE – Justice for all; not “artificial justice” aimed at hiring corrupt defense lawyers dedicated to getting clients off the hook (even if they’re guilty), bribing a judge, or making sizable contributions to someone’s campaign or “cause”.

3) To ENSURE DOMESTIC TRANQUILITY – Let me repeat that - Domestic Tranquility. Our founders sought to ensure that we would have peace here at home amongst ourselves. Our nation currently groans under the weight of clever manipulations – cries for “rights” for one special interest group or another with no regard for the general welfare of the nation at large. “Differences” are exploited and complained of while no mention is made of the fundamental, yet wonderful gifts that unite us.

4) To PROVIDE FOR THE COMMON DEFENSE – While certain of our nations leaders have seen the wisdom in protecting our borders, our people and our way of life, others have sought to erase these things. America is now portrayed as having no culture of her own, no history prior to the Civil War, and having no need for citizens to keep and bear arms IN DEFENSE OF THEIR CULTURE, THEIR HISTORY, OR THEIR OWN PUBLIC OR PRIVATE SAFETY. Our justice system continues to be turned upside down - criminals’ rights are promoted while honest citizens are left with nowhere to turn. The second amendment reminds us “A well-regulated Militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.” But it's being infringed!!

5) To PROMOTE THE GENERAL WELFARE – As mentioned previously, our nation currently groans under the weight of clever manipulations – cries for “rights” for one special interest group or another rend the air. How tragic these dissatisfied souls fail to realize just what our founders provided them with – a limited government with limited government power, allowing the people to do anything they deemed necessary to secure their own happiness. As I frequently remind people, LIBERTY IS NOT LICENSE – we are not free to do whatever we want, but we are free to do what we OUGHT. Our founders were hoping we would have the good sense and humility to know the difference.

6) To SECURE THE BLESSINGS OF LIBERTY TO OURSELVES AND OUR POSTERITY – Again, allow me to repeat that – the Blessings of Liberty. More than securing liberty, which is a wonderful blessing in and of itself, our founders sought also to secure the blessings of liberty. As a nation we have been truly blessed. During the course of our brief existence as a nation, we have enjoyed a level of ingenuity and prosperity seldom known in the history of the world. Freed from the bondage of tyranny and oppression, early settlers of this land wasted little time figuring out better, more effective ways to live more comfortably, to accomplish tasks, to travel, to farm, to communicate, to do virtually anything. Considering our present level of technology, who knows what the future may hold for us. But please remember that none of this would have been possible without our greatest cultural contribution of all – the Constitution of the United States of America!

Our leaders, one by one, have taken oaths to faithfully execute the duties of their respective offices. They have sworn to “preserve, protect and defend” the Constitution from all enemies, both foreign and domestic. One by one we have watched them forfeit these oaths. Our own President speaks ill of us on both foreign and domestic soil and has wasted no time trampling our Constitution under his feet, doing things worthy of impeachment.

My fellow citizens, we now stand accused before the world – accused of having too much ingenuity, too much prosperity, too many of the blessings of liberty even though we have generously shared of our wealth time and again with all who stand in need. We have importuned before our judges for a redress of our grievances, we have importuned before our governors, we have importuned before our congressional leadership and even our president to no avail. They refuse to hear us. Now it is time to importune before the throne of the Almighty. It is time to allow Him to purge the stains of corruption from our leadership, our land, and our banner. It is time to see the glory to which our nation shall rise when she is no longer burdened by evil and conspiring promoters of personal agendas!

Will you join me in this day of fasting and prayer? If you would like to do so, please make note of the date Sunday, the 2nd of August 2009 as the date of this special event. Let us unite our voices in a common cause to our Heavenly Father, that the agency with which He blessed us stand forever, unthwarted by the acts of men.

Moreover, let us undertake to do as Abraham Lincoln suggested in his speech at Gettysburg: “It is for us, the living, rather to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us – that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to the cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion – that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain – that this nation under God shall have a new birth of freedom – and that government of the people, by the people, and for the people shall not perish from the earth!


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